Magshape (HI-EMT) is intended for the treatment of obesity by fat reduction through neuromuscular stimulation and increase of the blood flow. It uses non-invasive high-energy focused electromagnetic technology to stimulate the motor neurons of the body muscles through the energy output from the electromagnetic field, and trigger the muscles to undergo high-frequency super-con traction. During the process of extreme super-contraction, some muscle fibers occur broken and make deep remodeling of muscles, that is the growth of myofibrils (muscle enlargement) and the production of new collagen chains and muscle fibers (muscle hyperplasia), which strengthens the muscles and improves the lines. While super muscle contraction consumes a lot of energy, triggers a large amount of fat breakdown, in order to burn and reduce fat. So as to easily achieve the purpose of building muscle and burn fat. At the same time, the muscles are super contracted, it drive the high-speed circulation of lymphatic blood, promotes
metabolism, and improves immunity.